May 13, 2008

Salad Bar back in Marketplace

Starting May 19, Marketplace will again feature the popular Salad Toss salad bar. The salad bar will be open from 10:30am to 2pm Monday through Friday until June 6, and will reopen again in July after Orientation. Let us know how you like our Salad Bar. Do you have ideas for different vegetables, meats or dressings you would like to see offered?


Anonymous said...

I tried the salad bar yesterday. It was pretty good. I'd ask for chicken (grilled is fine), and also some "real" Italian dressing to be added to the menu. There's not enough fat in dressing to really make most of us worry about using the fat-free. Possibly some parmersan, too? The boiled eggs were a nice addition to my salad. Thanks to the brainstormers--the salad bar was a good idea!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing, we will rotate through some different diced meats and rotate some dressings as a standard we will put olive oil, balsamic vinegar and italian herb seasoning so you can make your own italian dressing and make it more tangy or more oily to your taste.