January 22, 2010

Welcome Back Everyone

Blugold Dining would like to welcome all students, faculty and staff back to UW-Eau Claire! We hope you had an enjoyable, relaxing break and wish you all the best for a great spring semester. While you were on break we made a few changes. For your convenience, to-go containers will be available on the weekends until 9pm in The Riverview Café and 8pm in The Terrace. Also, Marketplace Food Court in Davies Center will now stay open until 8pm Monday through Thursday and 4pm on Fridays and Intermezzos Café will stay open until 10pm Monday through Saturday. Check out the dining Hours of Operation online at http://www.uwec.edu/dining/hours.htm. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions, problems or comments. We are here to serve you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think if the food court in Davies is going to be staying open later until 8pm, then maybe you should inform the staff too. I had a lab this evening and went to eat at the food court and nobody, except for the lady at the burger place, was there to help me. I wanted something from Pacific Traders but the people seemed quite busy with what they were doing and didn't bother asking me what I wanted so I just left. Then I went to check the hours and it says right here that it's open until 8pm. I think I will just eat on upper campus for now on. It seems like they're used to being open later.