October 10, 2017

Convert on your Inspiration

Do you consider yourself someone who is easily inspired?

We've all gone through times when we see a video on Facebook or YouTube and want to act right away. Maybe you see a photo of someone in super good shape or see someone living a luxurious lifestyle and think, "I can do that. Let's get started."

That's awesome. Those things can be used for motivation to be more efficient in your every day lives. However, more often than not, you may fall into the trap of staying still and not moving - not acting - not doing.

You tell yourself, "I'll do it later."

"I'll start eating healthy tomorrow."
"I'll start studying tomorrow."
"I'll just wake up early and do it."
"I'm too tired."

I'm not saying I've never said these type of things. I've had my FAIR share of times I've taken the easy way out and stayed stagnant. I've made the conscious effort to push past this barrier and attack things as soon as I feel that feeling of inspiration or motivation.

Creating a To-Do List for the week is great. Writing down your thoughts reinforces your priorities and keeps your mind in the right state.

I have found I am much more efficient if I only write down things I want to get done THAT day. This means I create my plan of action the night before. I do have a calendar with important due dates because I like to know what is ahead.

Instead of compiling a long list of things I need to complete, I create a step-by-step plan. This gets rid of the overwhelming feeling of seeing a huge list of things that need to be done.

I call it a "Plan of Action." You can prioritize your tasks whatever way you want. Say you want to knock out the most important things first or complete the tasks that are most time-sensitive. Whatever it may  be.

What I do may be different than what you do. Maybe you like to procrastinate, and that's how you get things done.

Not me.

I like to get things done that matter most right away so I don't have to stress and constantly be thinking of when I will attack that action.

Now that I'm back in school, I have to be more aware since I have multiple responsibilities. Even if you're not going to school and don't have "many" responsibilities, you can use this "Plan of Action" strategy to improve in your personal life.

Maybe you want to read more. Maybe you want to start waking up earlier and going to bed earlier. Write out a plan of attack so you can stick to it. They say a behavior becomes a habit after 21 occurrences. 

Hold yourself accountable.

How do you stay on track? I'd love to hear what works for you!

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